Experienced Full stack web developer. competent with; NextJS, React, React.Native for IOS and Android, TypeScript, JavaScript, Node.JS, MySQL, MongoDB, Docker, IORedis, Redux, Gitbash, Sublime Merge and Deis. My current role has allowed me to develop exceptional diagnostical skills coupled with my strong core programming princples; front end , back end and mobile development roles are well within my comfrot zone. My role as a support developer has given me experiene fixing bugs of varying complexity using technologies such as Insomnia, Redux Devtools and Android Studio.
Outside of Work
If I'm not coding I'll be doing something active; outside of work I'm a amateur body builder I train five times a week, upper and lower body 2 times a week and abs once a week with a stretch routine as well as brazilian jiu jitsu a couple of times a week. I also play board games such as Dungeons & Dragons, enjoy learning Vegan and Vegatarian recipies and write high fantasy fiction. Think sports jock meets nerd, thats pretty much me.